Dali Guo
Applied Scientist II, Amazon

Contact Information

Dali Guo
Consumer Payments Science
Amazon Science
SEA28 Ruby 12th Floor
333 Boren Ave N, Seattle WA, 98109
Email: me (at) dali-guo.com


Payment Experience
Payment experience is optimized with power of machine learning (e.g. recommender system, generative models, etc.) in industry standard practice.
Complex Network
Network science can help us characterize, conceptualize and predict real life complex systems.
Brain Dynamics
Dynamical methods and models provide the key to understand continuous brain states and features.
Optimization Algorithms
Optimization algorithms are designed for finding the best feasible solution efficiently.


Bachelor of Management
Nankai University, Tianjin, China - May 2015
Major: Logistics Management - GPA 91.7/100
Thesis: The simultaneous berth and quay crane allocation problem with uncertain arrival time
Thesis Advisor: Jinglei Yang
Doctor of Philosophy
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA - Dec. 2020 (expected)
Major: Industrial Engineering - GPA 3.81/4.00
Thesis Advisor: Mario Ventresca


Conference Proceedings

Network Collection Modeling

About me...

My research experience started at Nankai University, where I completed my bachelor's degree. Thanks to Jiuli Huang who mentored me on my project on game theory in 2012. During the summer of 2014, I worked with Jiang-Liang Hou who enlightened me in operations research at National Tsing Hua University. I completed my bachelor's degree with a thesis on solving stochastic dynamic optimization with genetic algorithm, which is supervised by my thesis advisor Jinglei Yang.

I attended Purdue University as a PhD student in 2015. My advisor is Mario Ventresca. In 2020, I completed my PhD degree with a thesis titled "Modeling and Variability Estimation of Network Collections".

In February 2021, I joined Amazon Science as an applied scientist. My work involves optimizing customers' payment experience by machine learning methods. For example, devising recommender systems to target relevant customers with the right payment methods through marketing campaigns.

Now I am passionate about two research areas: generative models and biological material for non-invasive devices. Consumer-grade generative models like ChatGPT and Midjourney have shown human-like recognition and beyond-human creativity. We overestimated the computation power needed for training neural networks until the trained network with appropriate architecture can be stored as "human knowledge". Non-invasive devices that communicate with human brain by biological signals can help us better understand the process of brain evolution by external stimulus.